Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well, today is the first day of Spring and I know a pug named Henry that is very happy about that. Henry thoroughly enjoys Spring. The weather is a touch on the warm side, yet not too hot for him. Which means he can spend his days doing one of his favorite things - sleeping way too close to the pool’s edge. Yesterday, he got a jump on Spring and resumed his normal position poolside.

Plus, in just a short time, it will be swimming season again and then he can break out the Pug Tug and drive his brother crazy by splashing around in the pool.
Happy Spring everyone!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Outside, near the pool, we have a little hide-a-way bench / storage container for all the pool toys and things. On top of the bench is a thin little green mat that always gets soaked when it rains. It poured the other day and the mat was of course drenched so I took it out and put it on the bench in the yard so that it would dry out quicker.
Well, wouldn’t you know, as soon as the mat dried it was soon occupied by pugs. The pugs sit on the bench in the yard all the time, but now that there is a little cushion on the bench they have become permanent fixtures.

Which leads the pugs to their next questions, “Why didn’t you put this cushion on the bench a lot sooner, Mom? It certainly does make things more comfortable.”
It’s all about comfort!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Last weekend, I felt inspired enough to get out in the garden and do some much needed cleanup to get ready for Spring. The pugs love to help in the garden, so I made sure to set things up so they could join me. They are very good at “watering” things in the garden, but not so good at picking weeds and things like that. In any case, they sure are great company.
However, it wasn’t long until Henry took to “supervising.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So I have been reading the blogs of all our friends in snowy places, looking at all their winter wonderland pictures and thought I would share some pictures of Benjamin & Henry from winters past in Maryland. So today, we travel back to February 2003. The boys weren’t even a year old yet and Luna was not even a thought in our mind. If you asked if we were going to get a third pug our stomach would have hurt from laughing. At that time, having two puppies was way more difficult than I ever could have imagined. To this day, I’m not sure if I ever want another puppy again in my life.
But in any case, as bad as they were, Benjamin & Henry were up for anything and they had a ball romping around in all the white stuff..

This is classic Benjamin. While he loved the snow, he could only be out for a short amount of time. The cold snow was just too much for his delicate paws.

Henry never was one to stay on the beaten path and when it snowed, Henry always made a beeline to the undisturbed snow and trudged through and made his own path.

In Maryland, we lived near a library and when it snowed they plowed the snow into the parking lot into huge piles. The boys loved to run up the mounds and act like Kings of the world.

To my knowledge, Luna has never seen a flurry in her life. She is originally from Miami and when we adopted her she made the move to the northern part of central Florida. However, you would think that she moved to Antarctica. It gets a little chillier in this part of Florida than it does in Miami and she is forever shivering. If it gets anywhere near the 40’s we have to break out her winter coat. She is definitely a sunshine kind of girl. I have a feeling that if she was ever subjected to snow that she would be contacting Compassionate Pug Rescue and telling them that they needed to find her a new home.
Monday, March 3, 2008
On Sunday, the pugs went for a little road trip to Gainesville. Their Grammy just had a pretty big operation last week and is currently in the hospital in Gainesville and the pugs came over to provide a little relief. Well, not for Grammy since they aren’t allowed to visit but for their momma. There is a huge dog park in Gainesville called Dog Wood Park and the pugs made the 2 plus hour drive to visit their momma and play at the dog park of course.
I didn’t have my camera so unfortunately I don’t have any pictures, but I really wanted to share this story anyway. At the park, the boys and Luna met Jake, a bird hound mix, that was nicknamed Tigger. Jake was almost 1 year old and he was the most energetic dog that I have ever met. The dog park is 15 acres and he was pretty much running circles around that place. He was really, really quick and he was jumping around like a wild man (hence the nickname Tigger). He was running through the lake, bounding out running through sand piles, circling trees, jumping back in the lake, running around some benches. Watching him was tiring me out. There were several other labs there and Jake completely exhausted them. After they got tired, they went to a more quiet section of the park, which left just Jake with only three little pugs to play with. So here comes Jake leaping and bounding over to the pugs. Benjamin, Henry & Luna are not the type to shy away from making a new friend so they immediately started to play. However, to their dismay that could not catch Jake. All three of them were running full steam and they just weren’t keeping pace. Jake would have to double back and pass them and they would have to quickly switch directions. Benny even started to whine as he was chasing after Jake because he wanted to catch him and he couldn’t.
Henry knew that he couldn’t beat Jake in running so he tried to outsmart him and predict his next move. But he didn’t have any luck outsmarting him either. Jake would just jump right over Henry and race off.
You know who gave Jake a run for his money? Little, blind, Luna! Before Sunday, I knew Luna was quick, and that she was the quickest of the three, but she showed me just how quick she was today. The girl was flying! She was tearing after Jake and she did a great job keeping up. But just when she would get close, Jake would jump into the lake, and Luna, well, it didn’t matter how much fun she was having, she was not going in the lake to get him. Instead, she would run along that edge of the lake taunting him, telling him to get out which Jake happily did and the chase would start all over again.
Watching the gang chase after a dog three times there size and really think that they could catch him really made my day. It just goes to show that pugs really don’t know how big they are. Especially, Little Luna, she was determined to catch Jake. And wouldn’t you know it, the little girl almost did.
So Jake, thank you for exhausting my three pugs. I haven’t seem them run that hard in a long time. They had a great time and when we told Grammy that story it made her smile. Pug fun, just what the doctor ordered.
Monday, February 25, 2008

The boys and Luna had a great time running around at the beach last Friday. It was an overcast day so that kept down on the crowds a bit and that is always good because it gives the pugs a little bit more room to romp and stomp.

Luna was particularly fired up when we first got to the beach. She was running around, full-steam, like a wild woman. Benny was more than happy to chase her.

Henry, of course, took a dip in the water. And while he swam, Benny taunted him from the water’s edge trying to coax him out. It worked a few times.

When we packed up and started heading for the car all that was left was evidence of lots of fun.
Friday, February 22, 2008

We took the day off work today and thought the best way to get a 3-day weekend started was to head to the beach. I’m not sure who is more excited me or the pugs.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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