Owned by Pugs

Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Rush

Getting ready to storm

This was the sight on Tuesday afternoon when I was out trying to get Henry to go potty.  I was getting ready to leave the house for a bit and needed to take the pugs out to do their business before I left.  Luna was up first and went right away.  Henry was next and in true Henry fashion he drug things out for as long as he possibly could.  I don’t know what it is about him, but it takes the boy forever to poop.  He likes to make a whole walk out of it.  And I don’t have unrealistic expectations.  I know he has to poop and he knows he has to poop, he just wants to walk a mile away from home to do it.

As we are standing on the corner and Henry is off in his own little world sniffing every blade of grass, I snapped this picture with my phone of the storm moving in.  To get home, we have to go back down the street, right towards the ominous cloud.  Henry wasn’t concerned.  We started to head back home, even though Henry never did his business, because I knew Benny still had to go out to go potty.  Benny would not be happy if I let Henry stay out until it started to rain and he had to head out for his turn in the rain.  So, I took Henry home and brought out Benny and the fear of getting wet made Benny go potty right away.  I brought Henry back out and he smelled around until it started to pour.  At that point, I was done.  We ran back home and Henry was grinning from ear-to-ear the whole way.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pug Pile

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

I always love it when Benjamin, Henry & Luna smoosh together even though they have plenty of room to spread out.  They act like this is the only sunny spot in the house.

With it being so hot lately, they have been doing a lot of laying around.  We have been going for walks in the evenings which have been great.  Last night we got about 3/4’s of a mile away from home and the sky behind us began to look a bit ominous so we turned around and contemplated on taking a shortcut back home.  After some debate, we took the shortcut and made it home 7 minutes before it poured down rain.  It was a fun little race against Mother Nature.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My View

Benjamin & Luna

When I sit on the lounge chair this is the view I have.  I always have to sit with my knees up to my chest because the pugs never miss an opportunity to sit on the lounge chair with someone.  Most of the time, Henry wiggles his way in there too, but not until my hand has fallen off from petting him.  Henry likes to sit on the ground right next to my chair.  From there, he knows that my hand can reach him perfectly and that I have plenty of time to pet him.  He enjoys it so much and feels so relaxed he has to fight falling asleep which makes him look like this.



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot

Luna and Henry

It’s not officially summer yet, but as far as the pugs are concerned summer is here in full force.  It’s been so hot that Henry has been begging for ice cubes again whenever I take a sip of water and if it gets any hotter we might have to consider getting some blocks of ice for the pugs to lick.  Walks are pretty much restricted to early morning hours before work, which I always have a very hard time working in, or to the evenings at dusk or on really hot days after it is dark.  The pugs don’t seem to mind the change in their walk schedule as much as they mind the mixup in their sunning time.  Henry loves to lay in the yard and bask in the sun and Luna and Benny love to lay on the lounge chairs around the pool.  All three of them have found that it is just too hot for that!

I have been on door patrol a lot lately because the pugs haven’t fully accepted that it is summer.  The pugs go out, sit outside for not even a minute and then they come back in.  They cool off in the air conditioned house and then they want to go back out again.  Its like they haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that they need to find their old favorite indoor sleeping spots from last summer.

We could also use some rain.  There has been rain all around us, but it just keeps missing us.  Yesterday, it thundered and looked like it was going to pour down rain any minute, but we never got more than a sprinkle.  Luna might have to put back on her rain coat grin

What’s the weather like where you are?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Run puggies, run

I have been on a quest to get a good video of the pugs playing to share with you and until now, I haven’t really been able to capture anything good.  Most of the times when the pugs are playing I don’t have the Flip handy and by the time I go get it I end up with 3 pugs just staring up at me.

But, the other night I was able to get a little video of the pugs playing around the pool.  Benjamin & Henry love to chase each other around the pool.  Luna, as you will notice in the video, isn’t too fond of circling the pool.  Since she doesn’t see too well, she tends to hang back while the boys are chasing each other near the gigantic puddle in the yard.  You will see her in the video a bit, and I would like to point out, that she is running no where near as fast as she can.  She takes it easy on the boys grin

My favorite part of the video comes at about 1:32 when Benny turns into a mad man and circles the bench.

Hopefully, there will be more playing videos to come.  I will try to get one of little Luna outrunning her big brothers.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Remember Mimo?

Benjamin, Henry & Luna under the Mimosa Tree

You may recall last Spring that we planted a tiny little Mimosa tree that we grew from a seed.  Well, look how that little tree has grown!  The Mimosa tree made it through its first FL winter and is in bloom now.  I simply love the blooms.

Mimosa tree blooms

The tree is finally big enough that it is starting to provide some shade in the yard.  This works out really well for the pugs as they love to lay around in the yard.  Although, the cat seems to enjoy the tree the most.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna under the Mimosa Tree

Henry & Luna under the Mimosa Tree

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Paw Park

Paw Park in Sanford, FL

Luna’s eye doctor is about an hour away from home so rather than just making the drive to go to the vet we decided to stop at a dog park in Sanford that was on the way.  Luna’s appointment was for 10:45 am so we figured it would be best to stop at the park on the way there to beat the heat.  We got up extra early and managed to get to the park at a little after 9:00 am which gave the pugs plenty of time to play.

A few years back Dog Fancy magazine featured Paw Park in an issue that named the best dog parks in the nation, so I was very excited to check out the park and see what it was all about.  The park was very open and in the middle of the park was a huge tree that had fallen during hurricane Charlie.  They decided to leave the tree to give the dogs something to climb on, which I thought was pretty cool.  The pugs were immediately interested in checking out the tree.

Benjamin & Henry inspecting the tree

And it wasn’t long before Benny was climbing all over it.

Benjamin climbing on the tree

After they investigated the tree, the pugs made their rounds and introduced themselves to the other dogs at the park.

Benjamin saying hello

The park has a time out area for dogs that get overly excited and I just couldn’t resist taking this photo.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna in time out

My favorite thing about the park was that there was a sidewalk that went around the perimeter of the park.  We walked along the sidewalk and the pugs happily followed along.  It was like being on a walk in a regular park only not having to use any leashes.

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