Friday, September 12, 2008

A few weeks ago, we were cutting the grass when we noticed this guy walking down the street. Seeing him moseying down the street, I ran into the house to get my camera. I snapped a few pictures and we marveled about the size of this turtle.

After, I snapped a few pictures, the turtle started on his way down the street again, but took a detour straight up our driveway when he heard the pugs barking their heads off at him at the front door. The turtle got about 8 feet from the door and stopped to look at the pugs. He sat there for a second and then he was on his way back down the driveway to head back down the street.

We went back to cutting the grass and didn’t really think much about the turtle. After all, this is Florida and I am coming to learn that you never know what is lurking around.
A few days later, I go out at lunchtime to run a few errands when I see a sign posted on the community mailbox. It’s a sign for a missing turtle! My heart sank. I couldn’t believe it. Just a few days ago I was snapping pictures of someone’s missing pet and then I let that pet just wander down the street. I jotted down the phone number and was going to give the owners a call when I got back from running my errands. Even though there was no way for me to know that the turtle was someone’s pet I still felt bad.
Shortly after I got back home, I saw my neighbor walk past my house with a big turtle in his hands. He saw the guy wandering around and was going to hold him until the owners could come and get him. I felt so relieved! About 10 minutes later the turtle was reunited with its owners!
I was so glad that the turtle made it back home safe and sound.
Friday, August 29, 2008

The pugs were enjoying the last little bit of sunshine before a summer storm rolled in when I snapped these pics. All three of them were squinting their eyes and soaking up the rays. After I got the pictures uploaded to my computer, I thought they sure do look like a cranky group. Did I forget dinner or something?
Also, notice Benjamin has brought Puffy out in the yard with him. He always like to bring Puffy out in the afternoons. Too bad he isn’t quite as good at remembering to bring Puffy in in the afternoons. That furry little disk is like a fourth pug I need to watch after.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! And for those in the U.S. Happy Labor Day.
Monday, August 25, 2008

There was a little kitty named QP
Who sat on a bench with Sir Doody
They each took an end
Didn’t seem like close friends
But wished to smell each other’s booty
Friday, August 8, 2008

A favorite part of my day, next to bedtime, is unwinding in the yard with the pugs for a few minutes after work. I wish I was able to set those 10-15 minutes aside everyday, but sometimes dinner, errands, the gym and life just don’t make it possible. But, I am happy that I at least take the time a couple days of week and I think it helps me enjoy it so much more.
We don’t do much while we are out in the yard and that is what makes it great. I get my daily dose of vitamin D, pet the pugs, watch the birds and just relax. Some days I snap some pictures, some days I brush the pugs, but others I just sit on the bench surrounded by Benny, Henry & Luna and do my best to take in the moment and think about nothing.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The last time that we took the pugs canoeing, Benny’s life jacket pretty much fell apart while we were there. Since Benny isn’t much of a swimmer we didn’t replace his vest until this weekend. We have been thinking about taking the pugs on another early morning canoe outing and we wanted Benny to have a new life jacket to have on the boat with us.
We also made him test it out in the pool on Sunday. Gotta make sure it works, Benny!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Here are a few of the shots I got the other night when I was just playing around with the pugs. It has been too hot to really do anything, so I have just been playing around with the camera hoping to capture something interesting. 


Benny looking over the pool’s edge.

Looney Toon wrapped in her Betty Boop towel.

The boys
Friday, July 11, 2008
Last night after dinner we spent some time in the yard enjoying a nice summer evening and unwinding from long days at work. Here are some random pics of the pugs unwinding from their long day napping 
Baby Benny being Baby Benny

Apparently, Henry doesn’t really have much interest in how my day went.

Henry cleaning Luna’s ears.

Luna getting ready to pounce on Benny.

Benny & Luna looking for something to get into.

And I couldn’t forget Cupid. Here she is climbing around in the Mimosa tree.