Friday, May 21, 2010

The other night we went to the park for our evening walk. It was a gorgeous evening so the park was quite busy. There were lots of joggers, walkers, dogs and kids running about. We meandered around the small lake stopping every once in a while to talk to those who passed by. When we reached a nice shady section, we took a little break to let the pugs cool off and to give us a chance to just relax and enjoy the view.
Have a great weekend! I hope everyone has a chance to relax and enjoy the view.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Preakness was just run in my home town of Baltimore, MD. The pugs saw the race and thought they would hold a contest of their own

Right out of the gates, Little Luna is in the lead, followed closely by Baby Benny and Dawdling Doody is bringing up the rear.

It was a close race, but Luna won it by half a pug length.
Monday, May 3, 2010

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case I think this picture is a way to see the the different personalities of Benjamin, Henry & Luna.
First, we have Henry the adventurer that can't stay out of the pool. Then we have the worriers, Benjamin & Luna, that pace around the pool concerned about their brother. But the real moment of truth is when Henry jumps out of the pool. As you can see, Luna is giving Henry and earful, but Ben is in the back, running as fast as he can because he knows Henry is going to shake. One big shake from Henry will get Benny all wet. And Benjamin's number one rule when swimming is that no one can get wet. 
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last night was Bark at the Park night for our local minor league baseball team. We found out about the event a few months ago and have been looking forward to it ever since. Since we had a few months to strategize, we decided to only bring Henry.
We were a family of four pugs, when we first learned of the event and we knew that a baseball game on what would most likely be a warm April night would be too much for Sol to handle. We also felt like Luna would not enjoy going to the game either. With not seeing well, Luna doesn't really like crowds. She much prefers small gatherings. Then we thought about it a little more and we knew that Benny would just be crazy with all the ballpark food around. So we thought it would just be fun to take Henry and Benjamin & Luna could have a fun night at home with Grammy.
And Henry did not disappoint. We arrived a tad early, and while we were getting out of the car, Henry met several "Event Staff" people just arriving for work. We talked for a bit and then they went into the park for work. After a brief wait, the gates to the park opened and we got to go in and check everything out. The first perk of the night was that every dog entering the park received a dog biscuit. That made Henry happy.
We walked along and visited some of the dog related booths and when we got near the concession stand, we heard a group of people calling, "Henry! Henry!" Henry went running over and wouldn't you know, Henry had previously made friends in the parking lot with the most important people at the ballpark - the concession workers.
Feeling like a king, Henry waltzed right over to the concession and stood up at the window, ever so happy to say hello to his new friends.

We finally made our way to our seats and Henry watched the players warm up. There were a few dogs around making a ruckus, but Henry just ignored them. With a full belly courtesy of his new friends, he was on cloud 9 basking in the setting sun on a perfect evening watching some people running around on what looked like some very nice grass.

After a few innings we moved up to the bleachers to get a different view and say hi to some friends. There Henry met a few other dogs and people. We tried to get a picture with the mascot, but as soon as he came near the dogs in our section went into full attack mode. Henry just watched, cocking his head to the side.
After a few more innings, we decided to head home, but not before making one more stop at the concessions so Henry could say good night to his new friends.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The pugs had some fun with bubbles this past weekend. Luna was quite fascinated with them and had the most pop right on her nose because she kept trying to smell them.

Henry didn't seem too enthused by the bubbles. He was more interested in the wand instead.
And Benny, true to form, was terrified of them. Exhibit A below.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday morning, before it got too hot for the pugs, we took them to a nearby school to have some fun on the playground. The boys absolutely love going down the slide. Many people have asked if the boys do this all on their own. I always answer yes, but I thought a picture would be more fun. Here is a shot of Benny getting ready to head down the slide and Henry climbing up the stairs on his way to do the same thing.

And here is one of Benny getting ready to stick the landing.

Luna is not a fan of the slide or climbing up on the jungle gym. This is where her vision troubles really slow her down. Instead she waits for the boys and gives them a good chase once they are back on the ground
Friday, April 9, 2010

This is how you know it is time to leave the dog park. If we stay any longer Henry is going to lay down right there and go to sleep. And Luna, it is rare to ever find that little girl standing still at the dog park. And where is Benny you ask? I'm sure he is off peeing on one last thing before we head to the car to go home.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!