Owned by Pugs

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Error In My Ways

Benjamin and Luna

When I am working in the kitchen, I always feel like I am moving the pugs because they are in my way. When dinner is being made the pugs are always sitting on the black rugs in the kitchen supervising me. When I need to get in the pantry one of them is usually on the rug in front of the pantry door. The same goes for the fridge or when I need to open the oven door.

After looking at this picture, I see that it's totally my own fault. The rugs are all in front of things that I need to use. I bet if I lined the rugs up down the center of the kitchen there would be no pugs in front of the things I needed to access. Silly me. Clearly, the pug are not going to lay on the, gasp, tile floor!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Benjamin and Henry

The pugs are crated while we are away. When we get home, they are usually anxiously waiting at their crate doors to greet us. But, sometimes we are able to sneak in the house without them hearing us and we can catch them sleeping soundly. It is the sweetest thing to come in the house and hear all 3 of them snoring away. The pugs, on the other hand, don't like it when we make it back into the house without them knowing. Henry likes to pretend that he doesn't sleep while we are out. I'll keep these pictures around as proof that some little puggy sleeps quite soundly while we are out.

Henry and Luna

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Noise in the Kitchen

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

I think someone is in the kitchen, what do you think?

Out of the three with their eyes glued on the kitchen, Henry is the only one that can still jump off the bed. Benjamin and Luna are both smart enough to know that they can't handle jumping off the bed anymore.

They both send out an alert when they want to get off the bed, but they do it in very different ways. Luna sounds out a series of very authoritative barks that sound like "Get", "Me", "NOW". Ben, on the other hand, sits near the edge and whimpers as only Baby Benny can do. Two very different, but both very effect techniques.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inhaler Update


Luna has been taking her inhaler for a few weeks now and sadly we aren't seeing as great of results as we first were. The first week Luna was on her inhaler she was like a completely different pug. She rarely coughed. However, once we started to taper her off the prednisone, her cough came back with a vengeance. We contacted the vet and decided it was best to step her back up to her usual dose of prednisone. However, this didn't provide much relief. Her cough was pretty much as bad as ever. We got back in touch with the vet late last week and decided to put Luna back on her antibiotics. We think that she might have an upper respiratory infection that is negating the inhaler.

Fingers crossed that the antibiotics will work and that Luna can get back to rarely coughing when we first started the inhaler.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sit Luna, Sit

I wish I had a camera trained on the Benjamin, Henry & Luna at all times, because they do a lot of things that crack me up that I would love to have a video of so I could share with everyone.

The other day, I was sitting on the floor with the pugs with a bag of kibble doing some treat training. The pugs are old hats at this and know that I follow the same pattern. The order the pugs sit down determines where they are in the treat line. I go left to right and on this day, Benny was on the left, Luna was in the middle and Henry was on the right.

I'd give Benny a command and he would do it and get a treat. Then it would be Luna's turn. Once she did what I asked she would get a treat and I would move on to Henry.

The boys have to work for their treats a lot more than Luna. I rotate through sit, down, give me 5 and leave it with them. Luna's command is the same every time. Sit. If I'm feeling patient we will work on down, but "sit" is really the only thing that Luna knows. Knowing that she only has to do one thing to earn a treat, you would think that Luna would just sit the entire time and collect her treats. However, she is a excited wiggly mess during treat training. I tell her to "sit", she eventually gets around to sitting and as soon as the kibble touches her tongue her butt has bounced up off the floor.

After a few rounds of treat training, Henry was growing impatient being after Luna. I told Luna to sit and she was wiggling around. I told her to sit again and she was still wiggling around. Finally, Henry had enough and took his paw and smacked her straight in the face. It was his give me 5 paw, but it was like he was telling Luna, snap out of it girl and sit so I can get my turn!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Luna’s Inhaler


We started Luna on her FlowVent inhaler a little over a week ago. I was very anxious to start Luna on the inhaler because I was curious if it was going to help her cough. We have gotten to a point that none of the other medicine was working, so we had a lot of eggs in the inhaler basket.

We gave Luna her first puff of the inhaler at night so we could be around to see if she experienced any negative side effects. After her first dose, the rest of the night went awesome! Luna's cough was significantly less, not gone, but a lot better. We were like play by play commentators all night because Luna would do something and we would be like, she didn't cough! She always coughs when she jumps up the step coming into the house or some other ordinary thing. To say we were a little excited would be an understatement.

After a few days passed and Luna had a few more puffs from the inhaler, Luna's cough got even better. Granted, she still has breathing and coughing issues, but she is certainly doing a lot better.

I was very concerned with how Luna would do taking her medicine, but we have a pretty good system in place to make sure she gets her meds. It is a two person job, but so far it has been working well for us.


One of us sits behind Luna and keeps her still, while the other one puts the mask on Luna's face. The AeroDawg chamber has a little indicator that lets us know if Luna is breathing in or out. It is also a good way to know that we have a good seal with the mask on her nose. When Luna is breathing in, we push the inhaler and keep the mask on for 3-5 breathes so she gets her medicine. As soon, as she is done, she promptly gets rewarded with treats and lots of praise. Of course, her brothers are right next to her during this whole procedure encouraging Luna to breathe faster so they can get to the treat portion of the ordeal faster.

We are stepping Luna down off the prednisone to see if we can get her completely off that drug. In another week, we will have a better idea of if we can get Luna completely off of prednisone.

We are super excited that the FlowVent inhaler is helping Luna. If Luna is going to be taking the inhaler long term our next task is to find out the best place to purchase it from as it is quite pricey (~$200 / 120 puffs). The best we have been able to do locally is $178 from the Sam's Club pharmacy.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Luna, Henry and Benjamin

Hanging out under the shade tree with the pugs after a long day at work. You know it is hot if Henry is in the shade!

I hate to wish time away, but I will be very glad to wrap up August. August in FL definitely does not bring pug friendly weather. September won't be much better, but at least we will be one month closer to beautiful winter weather.

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