Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 19, 2011

On the Mend


I am very happy to report that Benny's tail was back in its regularly curled position yesterday. After a great night's sleep and a very restful day, Benny was feeling much better. He still has some soreness, but overall he is doing much better. Now, the tricky part is keeping him still until Sunday. The vet's orders was to restrict his activity until next week. That means no walks, no running, no jumping and not too much milling around the house. The better he feels, the harder it is to keep him quiet. But, I much rather have the problem of trying to keep him still than to see his little tail uncurled.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Benny Update: Sorry for the delay in getting a Benny update posted. We took Benny in to see our normal vet today and get another check on his shoulder. The good news is that everything looks good. Our regular vet had a look at Benny's x-rays and said his bones look strong and joints look great. His shoulder popping out of place was more than likely just a fluke.

Other than his trip to the vet, Benny mainly rested. While his shoulder is back in place, he is still very sore. He has a little bit of limp, but mainly he is just tired and groggy. The hardest part for me is seeing his tail uncurled. It just breaks my heart.

For the next 5 days we need to restrict his activity. Which, so far, hasn't been that hard. He has been happy resting on his pile of pillows. Hopefully, tomorrow he will be a bit less sore.

Thanks for all your support! We appreciate all your kind wishes for Benny!

Last night on our walk, Benny dislocated his shoulder. How he did it we are not exactly sure. He was walking out of the grass to the sidewalk and the next thing we know his arm is at a 90 degree angle to his body. He was howling in pain and we got him to the emergency vet as quickly as possible.

When we arrived at the emergency vet, he got a rush of adrenaline and managed to pop his shoulder back in place. This made things better, but he was still pretty uncomfortable. He was pretty restless in the evening as well.

I will keep you updated as best I can.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sweet 16?


As you may remember, Luna was at the vet for surgery to remove some cancer spots on her arm and ear. Well, the ear flap had growths both on the inside and outside. Once the growths were removed, Luna was left with quite a sizable scab. As the scab began to fall off, we noticed that we could begin to see light through her ear. We became suspicious that when the whole scab fell off that she would have a "pierced" ear.

Well, one morning, Luna woke up and did her morning stretch which included a head shake and wouldn’t you know, that ear scab flew across the room! We’re all lucky everyone else was on the other side of the room from the crusty projectile because if struck by that thing it could have put an eye out!

When the dust settled, we noticed that indeed, Luna had a pierced ear. It is only about the size of shoelace hole. It’s not huge but definitely noticeable (especially when you can see daylight coming right through it). Luna is no worse for the wear. She is probably more used to having scars than we are, actually. I guess that is why we are taking it a little harder than she is. We have tried to keep her as "perfect" as she could be which would include not contributing to the many scars all over her body.

The "perfect" though is that she is cancer free. And the reality is that it doesn’t take away any of her spunk, feistiness, beauty, spirit or sweet nature. She is perfect just the way she is. As we just prefer to tell our friends & family, we are simply liberal minded parents and opted to allow her to get her ear pierced before turning sweet 16! Some people allow their baby girls to get their ears pierced at a younger age these days, right? We are amongst the "in crowd". She won’t be wearing any dangling earrings though. She is still too young for that.grin


Friday, March 18, 2011



Luna had an eye checkup yesterday and received a very good report. Her eyes are holding steady, which for Luna is great news. The tear production in her bad eye was even up a bit from her last visit.

Not only did she get a great report, but she was a really good girl at her appointment. She got to meet a few dogs and she was a very good girl while having her eyes examined.

After the long car ride there, the excitement of the visit and then the long car ride back home, as soon as we got home, Luna plopped down in her puff pillow and sawed logs for the rest of the afternoon.

Thursday, January 27, 2011



On Tuesday, Luna had her purple stitches removed from her ear and her elbow. She did such a good job sitting still while they removed her stitches. She really is a very good girl at the vet.

It looks like everything healed up nicely. The area on her ear, where they scraped one of the tumors out, is a big scab, but they said that is to be expected and it is looking good.

The only bad news of the visit for Luna is that she is now allowed to get wet again! She was really liking that 14 day bath embargo due to her stitches.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Yesterday, we received the results of Luna's pathology tests. Unfortunately, all 3 tumors were cancerous. The bright side is that our vet got clean margins on all 3 tumor removals. The two tumors removed from Luna's ear came back as a Grade I's. The lowest grad you can get. The tumor on Luna's elbow came back as a Grade II.

Since the vet got clean margins, no further treatment is recommended. We just have to be very diligent about checking for any new bumps and getting them tested right away.

Thursday, January 13, 2011



When we took Luna in for her surgery on Tuesday, it was happenstance that we marked all her spots in purple washable marker. We thought purple would show up the best on her fur and we really wanted the spots we marked to stick out. On a side note, coloring on a dog isn't really that easy. But, it did make me feel like a mischievous toddler.

When we picked Luna up from the vet, she had purple stitches and the vet let us know that they picked purple to specifically match her spots.

There has been a lot of purple power this week and I hope it is a sign the Baltimore Ravens are going to win their next playoff game. I know they do purple Fridays in Baltimore, but Luna took it one step further and got purple stitches to support the team.

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