Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 9, 2013

Growth Spurt

Remember the patch that Benny had shaved on his back when he had a CT scan in Feb of this year? Well, Benny has had almost no fur growth in that spot since it has been shaved. We had pretty much given up hope that Benny's fur would grow back at all. But right before we went to Maryland, we started the pugs on Free Form fatty acids with omega 3s and fish oil to help with their skin and coat. To be honest, I didn't think the supplements would do anything for the pugs. They were on fish oil before and it did nothing for them. If anything I was hesitant to even start them because I suspected the fish oil upset their stomach before.

Despite my concerns we started giving the pugs the supplements and BOOM Benny had a major fur grown spurt on the patch on his back! Take a look at the difference.





What's amazing is all this fur growth happened in about a span of 2 weeks! Go Benny!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dry Nose


I'm sure there is an official term for it, but do any of your pugs suffer from "dry nose"? Henry's nose gets very dry on the very tip and if it get dry enough it will actually flake off. Luna's nose is sorta the same way, but not as bad as Henry's.

Luckily, just a little bit of Vaseline for a few days, clears things right up.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Officially Feeling Better


I shared last week that Benny was feeling better, but now we have confirmation from the vet. On Friday, Benny went to the specialist for a recheck. They did another set of chest x-rays to make sure his pneumonia was gone. We were very relieved that the latest round of x-rays showed that Benny had gotten rid of that pesky pneumonia. Way to be Baby Benny!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Benjamin also suffers from trachea issues and has a nice goose honk cough. However, last week, Benny's goose honk cough took a turn for the worse and got very wet sounding. It also became much more chronic. Benny also became very lethargic. With his normal cough, Benny still goes on about his business, coughing all the way. With this new sounding cough, Benny was wiped out!

Knowing this was an upper respiratory issue, we skipped our regular vet and headed straight to the specialist. After waiting for chest x-rays we had our diagnosis - pneumonia.

Benny has been on antibiotics for a few days new and he is getting back to his normal goose honking self. I'm hoping we can totally kick the pneumonia so this condition does not keep recurring.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Looney Was Here


Unfortunately, the extra dose of doxycycline has not helped Luna's cough. Feeling stumped and not know what to do next, we brought Luna back to the specialist to see if they could help us figure out how to give Luna some relief.

With the cough, a concern is always pneumonia or some other sort of chest infection, so we had more chest x-rays done. The x-rays looked good and showed no real changes since the last set of chest x-rays. While this is good, it wasn't very helpful in figuring out what is going on.

Thankfully, Dr. Moore, the specialist treating Luna, took the time to sit and chat with us and review Luna's chart and notes. After discussing things, we decided to try a different antibiotic. Fingers crossed that we will see some improvements in the next few days.

Looney was here

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inhaler Update


Luna has been taking her inhaler for a few weeks now and sadly we aren't seeing as great of results as we first were. The first week Luna was on her inhaler she was like a completely different pug. She rarely coughed. However, once we started to taper her off the prednisone, her cough came back with a vengeance. We contacted the vet and decided it was best to step her back up to her usual dose of prednisone. However, this didn't provide much relief. Her cough was pretty much as bad as ever. We got back in touch with the vet late last week and decided to put Luna back on her antibiotics. We think that she might have an upper respiratory infection that is negating the inhaler.

Fingers crossed that the antibiotics will work and that Luna can get back to rarely coughing when we first started the inhaler.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vitamin D


It is super hot in FL, but that doesn't stop Henry from getting his daily dose of Vitamin D. When I took this shot, Benjamin and Luna were waiting by the door to go back inside and enjoy the conditioned air and Henry was begging for 5 more minutes of sun time.

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