Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Benny’s Checkup


At his checkup last Friday, we found out that Benny has an ear infection in his left ear. Since Benny just started shaking his head a few days before, I was expecting the diagnosis. The infection isn't too serious, so we have to flush and add some drops to his ears for the next 10 days. He is handling his new morning ear routine better than I expected so that is making things a lot easier.

Our other chief concern was his hiatal hernia which makes him have a little coughing episode anywhere from 3 to 6 times a day. We were prescribed a new medicine that works great in some dogs and not at all in others. We are trying it out for the next month to see what kind of effect it has on Benny. The first two days he was on it, he had no coughing episodes, which had me on cloud 9. However, since then he has had at least one coughing episode per day. So, they are less, but not completely gone. But, I'm not sure if we will keep him on the medicine because the main side effect is jitteriness. Benjamin is naturally hyper enough, so once the medicine got into his system he was bouncing off the walls. Although, he seems to have calmed down a bit the last few days.

With the two big items out of the way, Benny got his shots and the rest of his exam. The scar on his chest from his mast cell removal has healed wonderfully. Other than his teeth, he got a good report. His teeth don't need a cleaning now, but probably will in about 6 months. As much as we try to brush his teeth, he still needs to get cleanings. The vet attributes this to the arrangement of his teeth in his mouth. His teeth are packed in there which makes it very hard to get them cleaned. Henry is on the same tooth brushing routine as Benny and he got a stellar report on his teeth.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Benjamin and Henry

On Friday, the boys had an appointment for their annual checkups. It was actually pretty good timing because the day we made the appointment, Benjamin started shaking his head. It didn't take us long to figure out that something was up with his left ear. So, I added Benjamin's ear to the list of things to discuss with the vet.

Overall, the visit went well. I will give the specifics for each one of the boys later in the week. Each has little things that are common for their age that we will need to keep an eye on, but to summarize we have two 8 1/2 year old pugs that are "looking good". The thing I can't believe is that the boys are 8 1/2 years old.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Door #1, Please


On Monday, we took Benjamin back to the specialist for his post surgery checkup. When we arrived we were promptly assigned a room where we waited to see the veterinarian.

The rooms at the facility serve as a small private waiting room and a consultation area where you get to meet with the veterinarians and surgeons. There is no exam table or other items that you typically find in a veterinary exam room. Instead, the rectangular rooms are filled with a long bench that runs the length of the room and a couple of stools. All exams and pet evaluations are done in the back section of the facility, away from nervous pet owners. The rooms have two doors. One that leads to the back section of the facility where all the real work is done and one that leads to the lobby.

When we arrived for our checkup, Benjamin immediately remembered where he was and he quickly became a bundle of nervous energy. We were assigned a room right away and we waited in our room for our turn to speak with the veterinarian. Both doors to the room were closed and Benjamin ran from one door to the other. Taking a second to peer and smell under each door. Back and forth and back and forth, pausing each time a little longer at the door leading to the lobby as if to give us a clue that that is the door he hopes to be leaving from. However, he couldn't ignore the other door because he could hear voices coming from that direction. So, back and forth he paced, heading from door to door as quick as he could go on the slippery floor.

To distract him, we had Benny pose with the framed collage of the agility dogs in the room that have had surgery at AVS and are all healed up and back on the agility course. This served only as a mild distraction because as you can see Benjamin's gaze is intently focused on the door that leads to the exam side of the facility.

When our veterinarian entered the room, Benjamin gave him an overzealous greeting and jumped around a bit while we talked and gave an update on how Benjamin has been doing. Then it was time for Benny to get a thorough examination, which meant it was time for him to go through door #2 leading to the back of the house.

Once he realized he was being led through door #2, his tail uncurled and he tried his best to dig his nails into the floor to resist being taken for his dreaded exam. He looked at us and gave us a look of "Oh, no! Not door #2!" So I casually mentioned that there might be treats back there and his little tail curled right up and off he went.

After his exam, he came back to the room and promptly went to door #1, which leads to the lobby, and scratched at it. As far as he was concerned he was done and he would like someone to take him to the car. But, we still needed to hear how his exam went. And, despite not wanting to get his exam, Benjamin got a great report. Everything is look great after his surgery.

When we wrapped up our conversation with the vet, Benjamin bolted out door #1 and right to the front door of the facility where he scratched at that door was well. Once he was outside, he marched directly to the car, as if to say, "I'm not letting you forget to take me home this time!"

Friday, July 2, 2010

Benny Update

I wanted to let everyone know that Benjamin is home and is doing very well. He was very excited to see us this morning and was bouncing around like his usual self. He certainly did not look like a pug that just had surgery the day before.

After we got home and Henry and Luna frantically smelled him for clues to see where he had been, Benny hopped up on the couch and took his usual spot on the pile of pillows. He is still there now, snoring away, getting some much needed rest.

Thank you for the well wishes and have a great weekend!

Friday, July 2, 2010

When Big Days Get Bigger


Yesterday, Benny had his consultation for his soft palate issues at the the specialist. The consultation went very well. So well, actually, that Benjamin had the surgery yesterday.

The surgery wasn't planned, but there was an open slot on the surgery schedule and after the consultation wrapped up the surgeon said it would be no problem for Benny to have the operation that day. It went against all of my instincts to have Benny's surgery yesterday. It was unexpected. Well, it was sorta expected because I knew he would be having it, I just wasn't planning on it being so soon. I didn't feel prepared. But, then I thought to myself, what exactly do I have to prepare for. It's not like I am doing the surgery. As odd as it sounds, since I didn't have a night or two to worry about the upcoming surgery, I didn't feel ready.

I managed to get a hold of myself and realize how ridiculous my thoughts were and I gave the go ahead to put Benny on the schedule. After all, we were there and Benny had already skipped breakfast for his requested consultation fast. If we scheduled the surgery on a different day, Benny would need to fast again and I know how much he hates to miss a meal. Plus, with the holiday weekend, we would be off on Monday and be able to tend to Baby Benny while he recovers.

So we left Benjamin yesterday morning to have what they called his Brachycephalic Surgery. The surgery includes soft palate resection, a rhinoplasty (widening of the nasal passages), and if needed laryngeal sacculectomy. It turns out that Benny needed the laryngeal sacculectomy but not the rhinoplasty. During the surgery they determined that Benny's nasal passages were not too constricted and they would only be able to improve them a minimal amount. So they opted not to do the additional procedure.

When we spoke to the surgeon after the operation, he told us that Benny's soft palate was "definietely elongated" and his saccules where very much in the way. Shortening and removing these items should help Benny tremendously.

Benny had to stay at the vet's office last night, but we get to pick him up today at 10:45 AM. I will be so happy to get the little guy back home. He was bouncing off the walls of the exam room with nervous energy when we left him yesterday, so I am pretty sure he will be happy to get back home and relax with his brother and sister. Benny is all about sticking to his routine and yesterday was no where near ordinary for him.

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend. I am looking forward to a nice quiet weekend with the pugs. Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Off to the Specialist


For the last week, we have been telling Benny that today is his "Special" day. But, I am pretty sure that the type of "special" that today holds isn't quite the "special" that Benny has in mind.

This morning we are off to see the Specialist about Benny's soft palate surgery. Being all healed up from the surgery to remove his mast cell tumor, we wanted to get in to see the specialist to hopefully rid him of his cough. He still has been waking himself up with a little cough pretty regularly.

Hopefully, the consultation will go well and we will be able to schedule Baby Benny's surgery. Then, fingers crossed for another quick recovery and that Benny will be breathing a lot better after the operation.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Benjamin, Henry and Luna

When we took Benny to the vet for his cough a few weeks ago we talked with our vet about breathing issues in pugs and ways to deal with the hot weather here in FL. Our vet had a few good tips for us. For example, he suggested that we swap our evening walks for early morning walks. Morning walks would be a bit better for the pugs since the pavement would be cooler in the earlier part of the day. Clearly something I should have realized, but I think my disdain for all things morning got in the way.

Another thing he mentioned was keeping the pugs as trim as possible. Keeping them at an ideal weight not only helps them deal with the heat, but also helps with breathing issues that chronically plague pugs.

Our vet also pointed out that Benny was up a pound from his last visit in September 2009. At our recent visit, Benny weighed in at 25.4 pounds.

The truth is that we have become very relaxed with our treats and table scraps rules. When the boys were younger, we were very diligent in making sure the boys stayed fit and trim. Our main motivation was Henry and his hips. When Henry was diagnosed with hip dysplasia, we were told the best thing we could do for him was to keep him at a healthy weight.

So the boys grew up on carrots for treats and very rarely ever got a scrap from the table. But, over the years we gradually started giving them a little bite of dinner or breakfast and then dinner and breakfast. Heck, for about 15 months they got a little bowl of spaghetti each week. (But no one has had any spaghetti since Solsey passed. I just haven't been able to bring myself to make it.)

So, we are making a few lifestyle changes around here. Table scraps are being cut way back and I stocked the fridge with carrots. The difficult thing so far is that Luna does not like carrots. So it is a real pain to give the boys carrots and Luna something else. Especially, when I have not been able to come up with a healthy something else that Luna likes.

Our goal is to have the boys lose 3-4 pounds and Luna to lose around a pound. The weight has slowly crept on the pugs so our approach is to have it slowly creep off. We are in no rush and are not making any drastic changes so hopefully over the next year or so we can get the pugs in a bit better shape. The downside is that the FL heat is in full force now and the pugs usually gain a bit of weight during the summer months because their walks and any other outdoor activity is severely limited if not totally eliminated by the heat.

So, our short term, summer goal is to be more mindful of extra curricular eating and not have the pugs gain any it's too hot to even move weight. And remember, the camera adds 10 pounds grin

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