Saturday, September 20, 2008
This week’s flashback: The Infamous Dog Bed
You may have noticed that we have a thing for dog beds around here. There is pretty much a dog bed in every room. This week, I moved this dog bed to a different location and it reminded me of this post.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
This week’s flashback: Down on the Farm
Pumpkin bread is back at Bob Evans so I thought it would only be fitting to share the post of the first time the boys had pumpkin bread, back in October 2005. By the time we adopted Luna, the boys were already head over paws in love with pumpkin bread!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
This week’s flashback: Letting Loose
This week’s flashback is from September 2005 and I remember this morning vividly. This event was also before we adopted little Luna.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
To me, Labor Day has always been the last hurrah for summer. So of course, I have thoughts of the beach on my mind this for this long holiday break. I think it will be a tad too hot to take the pugs to the beach this weekend, but here are two beach posts from cooler months. The first is, The Beach and is from January 2006, about a few days before we adopted Luna. The second post, Running on the beach is from February 2006 and is Luna’s first trip to the beach with us.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This week’s flashback: Pugs Bunny
I’d like to take you back to June 2005 for this post. This was before we adopted Luna and when our good friend Lou will still around. I sure to miss that rascally rabbit.