Owned by Pugs

My one eye baby,

My one eye baby,

This is my son, Benjamin Chrome Benoit.  He is now four years old.  He still lives with my wife, Leigha & me.  Benjamin is a very playful dog, but is very aggressive over his mother.
One day when a Puggle was staying with us, another male in my domaine, came around, we played for awhile and he started to sniff Leigha, his mom,  they got into a visious fight.
Later that night Benjamins eye had gotten worst.  MY owner took him to the Vet and his eye was so scratched that he had to lose it.  But my son, is still just as handsome as
his father.  He’s no more aggressive but still just as playful.  We love him just as he is.  Love Eli

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